Browsing the shelves of Foyles while in London this week, I was intrigued to see a couple of books by NYT bestselling author Andrew Shaffer: Hope Never Dies and Hope Rides Again. These political thrillers feature Barak Obama and Joe Biden as action heroes. Reviewers describe them as “escapist fantasy for liberals”, and “bromantic buddy-cop noir.” Prominently displayed cover-out, in the YA SFF section of Foyles. In London. Cool. I looked for a YA MAGA hat romance for balance, but didn’t find one. Probably sold out.

Image source: Publisher
Now, Foyles is a fair sized bookshop (also an awesome one), but it’s hardly the Barnes & Nobel on Union Square. Shelf space is precious. So, how did these Obama Nation nostalgia pieces end up on this side of the pond? Could it …